Monday, May 6, 2013

take me out to the ballgame

today Nolan won the kindergarten group of the wiffleball challenge at school :) in recounting his victory, he said, " yeah mom, we had ten shots and I hit them all very high. like 99.9% high. some were by the trees. and I won. I'm pretty talented aren't I?"

and then later, Aila was leaning on her new louisville slugger souvenir bat (with her mouth??) and somehow it popped out and made a very scary sound against her teeth. after making sure she didn't knock her teeth out and getting her tears wiped away, she sobbed, "but I was trying to be a beaver..."

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

as we were driving with the windows down yesterday, aila had her face turned toward the window and the air was blowing her hair back. we started to pick up speed so i closed the windows only to be screamed at: "momma! i am trying to make my hair all beautiful!"

Saturday, March 23, 2013

a few tidbits from yesterday

Mom- if somebody from Asia wanted to go the Washington State Park, they'd have to walk a reaaaaally really far way, right?

So if we're ever in a tornado outside with a bunch of people, we should all just try to run into the house (he is obsessed with tornadoes right now). I mean, everyone except for the old ladies. Old ladies can't run.

Monday, March 4, 2013

aila: looking at a little buddha statue

this is buddha. he has a biiiig betty (belly).
he is eating too much food.

and look at his nibbles (nipples) they are very ouchy.
his nibble could poke you in da eyes.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

okay- i'll post a few

Aila looking at a picture that Nolan colored (of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in the manger):
He's sleeping in a NEST?!?!?!?

A little dog bit her finger the other day while we were walking to get Nolan from school. She was VERY upset as you can imagine. I was not too happy myself...
She has since referred to the dog as the "mean yittle fuffy dog"

there have been many many more- she is rapidly catching up to the vocabulary of "big brudder"

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

that would make for some lovely christmas gifts

me talking to aaron: they have called races for 4 states so far. vermont for obama- indiana, west virginia and kentucky for romney.
nolan: romney? who's that? uncle romney??

hahaha- if only i had a long lost uncle romney

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nolan: Mom why do I hurt here and here (pointing at head and arm)? They really are sore!
Me: It's okay. They are just bruises- you'll be fine.
Nolan: This is serious.
Me: Serious? You think we need to amputate?
Nolan: I don't even know what you're saying. Quit speaking Spanish!"